The Apostle Paul Acts 8-12 BibleProject 5:59
Paul’s Missionary Journeys Acts 13-20 4:42
Bound for Rome Acts 21-28 BibleProject 4:49
The Apostle Paul Acts 8-12 BibleProject 5:59
Paul’s Missionary Journeys Acts 13-20 4:42
Bound for Rome Acts 21-28 BibleProject 4:49
Acts of the Apostles NT Wright 2:01
Pentecost: Acts 1-7 BibleProject 6:21
NT Wright Resurrection Fact or Fiction 7:03
Three Lessons of the Resurrection Bishop Barron 14:09
Christianity in a Nutshell Charlie Mackesy 3:42
Ron Rolheiser: The Cross of Christ 4:53
Ron Rolheiser: Cross of Christ Part 2 5:15
Ron Rolheiser: The Passion of Christ 8:26
Bishop Barron Fleming Rutledge’s The Crucifixion 9:55
Bishop Barron on the Scandalous Cross of Jesus 9:00
Lent as a Time of Testing N.T. Wright 6:18
Return Fr. John Burns 7:40
How to Break Habitual Sin Fr. Columba 6:47
Richard Rohr until 16:01
Mark Wahlberg 6:16 until 6:01
Lent as Habit of the Heart N.T. Wright 6:00
When Lent Gets Inconvenient Fr Mike Schmitz 9:29
All the Times Jesus Called Disciples in the Chosen 17:19