Friday Videos: July 1st, 2022
Introducing the Christian Mystics: The Divine Flowering 11:35
Merton’s 4th & Walnut Experience 4:49
The St. William, Naples, FL Centering Prayer Group meets Fridays from 10 to 11:30 Eastern. We begin with 20 minutes of centering prayer, then we watch videos on topics related to contemplative prayer or Catholic spirituality, and then we speak about what we’ve seen and faith share. If you’d like to learn more about our group, feel free to contact me at
Introducing the Christian Mystics: The Divine Flowering 11:35
Merton’s 4th & Walnut Experience 4:49
The Mystically Driven Life – Ron Rolheiser 15:40
What is Christian Mysticism – Richard Rohr 2:23
What You Don’t Know about Christian Mysticism – Jackie Angel 7:05
What is Christian Mysticism – F Kerry Walters 11:33
Stop blaming Vatican – Fr Casey 8:51
The validity of Vatican II – Brian Holdsworth 10:23
What went wrong after Vatican II – Bishop Barron 3:17
What was Vatican II? – Breaking in the Habit Fr Casey 5:37
What was the actual purpose of Vatican II? Bishop Barron 1:52
The meaning of Vatican II Bishop Barron 10:15
Vatican II and the power of the laity – Bishop Barron 8:06
Bishop Barron on Judgement and God 7:16
Peter Kreeft on Justice and Mercy
49:54-52:30 God could have snapped his fingers (2.30)
1:11:55-1:14:40 how to work for justice and mercy, “they must get their just deserts” (2:35)
59:05-1:03:15 why did Jesus have to die? “good news is that God loves you that crazy much” (5.15)
1:14:40-1:20:50 “God doesn’t put anyone in hell, we put ourselves there, we jump in” (6)
1:25:19- 1:27:15 Does God’s grace take away (free) will? (2)
Peter Kreeft on Justice and Mercy 1:35:13
Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? – Brian Holdsworth 7:59
Do I really need Jesus? How to be saved – Fr Columba 11:22
Why does resurrection matter – N.T. Wright 5:41
Bishop Barron on the power of the cross 9:59
Why did Jesus have to die the way he did? – Bishop Barron 4:37
Failing at Lent – Fr Mark-Mary 5:23
The Passion of Christ – Fr Ron Rolheiser 8:26
The Cross of Christ – Fr Ron Rolheiser 4:53