Friday Videos: December 29, 2023
Why the Incarnation? 4:29
Sr Miriam, Families and the Holy Family 10:46
The St. William, Naples, FL Centering Prayer Group meets Fridays from 10 to 11:30 Eastern. We begin with 20 minutes of centering prayer, then we watch videos on topics related to contemplative prayer or Catholic spirituality, and then we speak about what we’ve seen and faith share. If you’d like to learn more about our group, feel free to contact me at
Why the Incarnation? 4:29
Sr Miriam, Families and the Holy Family 10:46
Behold: Children & Wonder 10:47
Behold: St Joseph 10:16
Are Your Prayers Being Answered? 13:07
Overcoming Fear 3:23
What are you giving up for Advent? 5:33
Behold: Advent with 8:42
What makes Advent Different from Lent? 6:56
What is Advent? 2:23
When did Christians Begin Advent Celebrations? 5:18
The Spiritual Life and the Advent Season 4:57
Advent: Expectation in a God Who Always Shows Up 5:00
The Real Purpose of Funerals 5:47
The Key to a Happy Death 8:39
What is Purgatory? 6:00
Bishop Barron on Hell 7:02
Quantum Physics & Particular Judgement 9:38
How Can God Condemn to Hell? 10:01
Art 101: What is Memento Mori? 3:17
Stoicism, Christianity, and Death 2:00
Alan Watts—Acceptance of death 3:56
Reasons to remember death 2:46
Why we say ‘Memento Mori’ Fr Mike Schmitz 6:40
What is Memento Mori St 4:06
A Meditation on Death with Sr Theresa Noble 3:49
Fr Jonathan Meyer 5:55
What is Memento Mori Daily Stoic Ryan Holiday 5:08
Zebedee actor from the Chosen testimony 9:27
NCR interview Jonathan Roumie 9:30