Friday Videos: Aug 9, 2024
Death, dying and the unknowable God Thomas Keating
What is trustworthy about death Jim Finley 7:01
Allowing Ourselves to Trust Death Richard Rohr 3:49
Death is the Fullness of Being Cynthia Bourgeault 7:18
The St. William, Naples, FL Centering Prayer Group meets Fridays from 10 to 11:30 Eastern. We begin with 20 minutes of centering prayer, then we watch videos on topics related to contemplative prayer or Catholic spirituality, and then we speak about what we’ve seen and faith share. If you’d like to learn more about our group, feel free to contact me at
Death, dying and the unknowable God Thomas Keating
What is trustworthy about death Jim Finley 7:01
Allowing Ourselves to Trust Death Richard Rohr 3:49
Death is the Fullness of Being Cynthia Bourgeault 7:18
Momenta Sacra EP.4 8:55
5 Lessons of St Therese 16:20
You can be a saint Fr Mike 7:42
How does someone become a saint 7:29
St Josephine Bakhita 3:24
Life story from slave to saint 6:26
The courage of the Sudanese saint Pope Francis 3:12
The story of St Josephine Bakhita 3:07
A saint who mastered forgiveness 3:20
Incorruptible bodies of saints 4:17
An easy way to become a saint 17:17
Shocking miracle from the tomb of Carlo Acutis 8:03
The shocking prophecy of Carlo Acutis 7:11
What happened at the tomb 8:13
How saints live differently Fr Mark Mary 7:42
The intercession of the saints Brant Pitre 8:55
Sr Miriam Hidden Wounds 26:11
God’s Kiss 7:02
Dealing with Difficulty 9:57
Simply Resting in God 1:53
Gifts for Living 8:08
The Inevitable Thoughts 8:01