Friday Videos: Dec 13, 2024
Behold 2: Advent with Sr. Miriam James Heidland 10:16
Rejoice 2: Are Your Prayers b\Being Answered? Sr Miriam 13:07
The St. William, Naples, FL Centering Prayer Group meets Fridays from 10 to 11:30 Eastern. We begin with 20 minutes of centering prayer, then we watch videos on topics related to contemplative prayer or Catholic spirituality, and then we speak about what we’ve seen and faith share. If you’d like to learn more about our group, feel free to contact me at
Behold 2: Advent with Sr. Miriam James Heidland 10:16
Rejoice 2: Are Your Prayers b\Being Answered? Sr Miriam 13:07
Three Comings of Christ Prepare us for Advent Bishop Barron 8:25
Behold1: Advent with Sr. Miriam James Heidland 8:42
Advent Meditation With Jim Finley 6:42
Bishop Barron on The Advent Revolution 11:00
Ignatius w/James Martin 9:37
Ignatian spiritual exercises 3:50
How to do a Daily Examen Fr Mark-Mary 1:56
Intro to Ignatian spirituality 2:06
Ignatian contemplation Fr Jim Martin 3:40
St. Catherine of Sienna biography 2:58
Study and contemplation in the Dominican order 6:55
Fr Scott Wood on St. Catherine of Sienna 7:07
Life of St. Francis /James Martin 7:48
Life of Franciscan Friars 8:07
Franciscan Mysticism- Richard Rohr stop at 6:24/28:39
Scott Hahn 7:41
Ministry, Suffering, Devotion to Mary 9:59
Bio Real life Catholic 2:34
“Maximilian Kolbe” by Peter Oliver 4:05
Saint of Auschwitz 4:43
Biography of St Maximilian Kolbe 8:16
Jewish female philosopher 2:18
On this day St. Edith Stein 3:24
Fr Robert Barron in front of her window 4:04
How Edith Stein found God by pursuing truth, Endow start to 2:41
Carmelites Ireland 5:22
Bio 2:00
What it means to be a woman 1:02
A life of mystical experience, 11:01
I have seen what happens at the moment of death to 6:02/6:29
Interior Castle 11:05