Taizé Prayer

The quieting, mystical experience of Taizé Prayer.

“Since my youth, I think that I have never lost the intuition that community life could be a sign that God is love, and love alone. Gradually the conviction took shape in me that it was essential to create a community with men determined to give their whole life and who would always try to understand one another and be reconciled, a community where kindness of heart and simplicity would be at the center of everything.”  Brother Roger

“God is love alone” “When we try to express communion with God in words, we rapidly reach the end of our capacities. But in the depths of our being Christ is praying for more than we imagine. Compared to the immensity of that hidden prayer of Christ in us, our explicit praying dwindles to almost nothing. That is why silence is so essential in discovering the heart of prayer.

Although God never stops trying to communicate with us, God never wants to impose anything on us. Often God’s voice comes in a whisper, in a breath of silence. Remaining in silence in God’s presence, open to the Spirit, is already prayer. It is not a matter of trying to obtain inner silence at all costs by following some method that creates a kind of emptiness within. The important thing is a childlike attitude of trust by which we allow Christ to pray within us silently, and then one day, we will discover that the depths of our being are inhabited by a Presence.”

― Taizé, Songs and Prayers from Taize: Accompaniment Edition for Cantor & Instruments

Taizé – O Lord hear my prayer (Full Album) 1:02:26
Taize Laudate Omnes Gentes
Taize Stay With Me
Taize Bless the Lord my Soul
Taize Jesus, Remember Me
Taize Oh Lord Hear My Prayer
Stay with me 5:20