Musings From an Imperfect Spiritual Life

There I’ve done it. I’ve made a place where I can share my favorite things.

I have no idea how often I’ll add to what’s here or how long I’ll do this. But I do a fair amount of web spelunking around Christian spirituality topics, and I wanted a place to store my treasures and share them.

Feel free to let me know if there are any areas that you’d like me to explore, or you have helpful advice for me. You’ll reach me at

I’m listening and grateful.

The Miracles of Ian

My husband and I returned from the airport late, two nights before Hurricane Ian hit Naples on September 28th. The weather forecasters said Ian was

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A Fresh Start

Post-pandemic energy meets promptings of the Spirit. I’ve gifted myself with a spot to share my treasures. I hope to be useful and nourishing. And

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