Henri Nouwen

Henri Nouwen Book List

Spiritual identity means we are not what we do or what people say about us. And we are not what we have. We are the beloved daughters and sons of God.

God is a God of the present. God is always in the moment, be that moment hard or easy, joyful and painful.

The greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power, but self-rejection.

To learn patience is not to rebel against every hardship.

Our efforts to disconnect ourselves from our own suffering end up disconnecting our suffering from God’s suffering for us. The way out of our loss and hurt is in and through.

The fruits of your labors may be reaped two generations from now. Trust, even when you don’t see the results.

People with handicaps teach me that being is more important than doing, the heart is more important than the mind, and caring together is better than caring alone.

Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure.

Asking people for money is giving them the opportunity to put their resources at the disposal of the Kingdom.

The Christian leaders of the future have to be theologians, persons who know the heart of God and are trained – through prayer, study, and careful analysis – to manifest the divine event of God’s saving work in the midst of the many seemingly random events of their time.


Being the Beloved, Part 1, Crystal Cathedral – 9:05
Being the Beloved, Part 3, Crystal Cathedral – 8:37
Being the Beloved, Part 5, Crystal Cathedral – 3:52
Being the Beloved, Part 7, Crystal Cathedral – 5:23
A Saint for the Complex, Ron Rolheiser – 1:01:01
Journey of the Heart – 56:17
Henri Nouwen’s Vulnerable Journey Intro and Chapter 1 -11:12
Finding Our Sacred Center – 57:59
Home Tonight – 9:16
On Loneliness 6:26
God’s Love in Weakness 1:06
The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming
The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey
Being the Beloved, Part 2, Crystal Cathedral – 8:59
Being the Beloved, Part 4, Crystal Cathedral – 7:01
Being the Beloved, Part 6, Crystal Cathedral – 8:56
Being the Beloved, Part 8, Crystal Cathedral – 7:11
Remembering Henri Nouwen, Robert Jonas 57:54
Henri Nouwen’s Vulnerable Journey Chapter 2  – 15:30
A painting, a parable, and my friend Henri Nouwen, Sr Sue Mosteller 1:19:10
Fr Catoir & Henri Nouwen Personal Pain 5:32
Personal Pain part 3 1:59
Beyond the Mirror 7:18
Life of the Beloved Spirt: Spiritual Life in a Secular World
The Genesee Diary
Inner Voice of Love