Friday Videos: July 30th, 2021
Bishop Robert Barron on Faith and Reason 8:03
The St. William, Naples, FL Centering Prayer Group meets Fridays from 10 to 11:30 Eastern. We begin with 20 minutes of centering prayer, then we watch videos on topics related to contemplative prayer or Catholic spirituality, and then we speak about what we’ve seen and faith share. If you’d like to learn more about our group, feel free to contact me at
Bishop Robert Barron on Faith and Reason 8:03
Zen Catholic Nun Sister Elaine Macinnes 15:02
Pema Chödrön – Fear and Fearlessness 11:16
Eastern philosophy: The Buddha 5:43
Zen: An Introduction 10:15
How Buddha helps to be a better Christian, Richard Rohr 5:47
Modern Masters of Religion: Fr James Martin on Merton start it at :55 and stop at 10:31
The nature of Meditation and contemplation Jim Finley 8:08
True Wisdom and the self beyond ego. Jim Finley. 17:18
Silence and Contemplation – Merton in His Own Words
Bishop Barron on Thomas Merton, Spiritual Master 9:32
Merton and His Legacy – Interview with Br. David Steindl-Rast. We’ll do beginning to 6:20
What is the Trinity? 2:24
Brant Pitre The Holy Trinity 11:10
Rohr: God is Relationship Itself 3:39
3Min theology: What is the Trinity? 3:29
Nabeel Quereshi explaining the Trinity 7:57
Bishop Barron on Aquinas’ unmoved Mover’ 10:20
Order of Preachers: Dominicans 8:49
Why is the Summa important 3:15
The Five Ways 8:53 (5 proofs for the existence of God)
How do you read an article of the Summa 3:01